Tech Education

How AI is Revolutionising Food Quality

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming food quality analysis in the agri-food sector, introducing innovative solutions to enhance accuracy, consistency, and efficiency. Common AI applications in this field include image recognition, spectral analysis, and machine learning-based predictions. These technologies are revolutionising how food quality is assessed, moving away from traditional, subjective methods to more objective, data-driven …

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The Role of Machine Learning in ProfilePrint’s Technology

ProfilePrint leverages the power of Machine Learning (ML) to transform digital fingerprints into valuable inputs for informed decision-making, offering a revolutionary approach to food quality assessment. From Light to Insight: Pre-processing Spectral Data for Prediction ProfilePrint’s analyser captures the chemical signature of ingredients (left). The raw spectra data is then processed and shown on the …

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Learn what is a digital food fingerprint

What is a Digital Food Fingerprint?

Imagine your Food Having its Own Unique ID – Like a Fingerprint! A “digital food fingerprint” is an innovative concept that captures the unique molecular signature of natural ingredients, analogous to how human fingerprints uniquely identify individuals. Developed by ProfilePrint, this technology is based on spectroscopy. Briefly, molecules in food samples are excited with light …

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What is “Identity-as-a-Service” (IDaaS)?

ProfilePrint’s Chief Scientific and Technology Officer unveils how their Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) technology is transforming agri-food quality assessments. In today’s agri-food industry, ensuring consistent quality is paramount. ProfilePrint tackles this challenge with a groundbreaking technology called Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS). Unlike traditional methods that only test for specific chemical compounds, IDaaS takes a holistic approach, leveraging ProfilePrint’s spectrometer device …

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