ProfilePrint's White Papers Access our complete library Green and Instant Coffee (Available in English and Mandarin) A Sucafina Case Study READ MORE Collagen (Available in English) A Colloquy on Collagen: Navigating Quality Control with ProfilePrint READ MORE Roasted and Ground Coffee (Part 2) (Available in English) Predicting Flavour Scores in Roasted and Ground Coffee READ MORE Ketchup (Available in English and Portuguese) Saucy Models: Broad Analysis in Ketchup Parameters READ MORE Roasted and Ground Coffee (Part 1) (Available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish) Quantifying Arabica/Robusta Proportions in Roasted Coffee Blends READ MORE Flour (Available in English and Portuguese) Beyond the Shelf: Evaluation of Flour Degradation with Digital Fingerprints READ MORE Spice (Available in English) Spiked Spice: Adulterations In Pepper and Oregano READ MORE Coffee (Available in English and Portuguese) Sensory Synergy: The Art of Blending Food Materials READ MORE Olive Oil (Available in English) Detection and Quantitation of Olive Oil Adulteration READ MORE Alternative Protein (Available in English) A.I.-enabled solutions in characterising and quantitating alternative protein READ MORE Black Tea (Available in English) Tasting the spectrum: predicting black tea varieties READ MORE Basmati Age (Available in English) Verifying the age of basmati rice READ MORE Rice Purity (Available in English) Fingerprinting technology for purity assessment of premium rice READ MORE Coffee (Available in English and Portuguese) A.I.-powered coffee cupping and grading READ MORE